Teaching Assistant at Materials Science & Engineering - University of Toronto - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A leader in materials research and applications, we are an integral part of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto—the top-ranked engineering school in Canada.Founded in 1913 as Department Eight: Metallurgical Engineering, then modified in 1964 to the Department of Metallurgy & Materials Science (MMS), our name was officially finalized to Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) in 2001 to reflect advances in materials research and education that are based on, but have since evolved beyond traditional metallurgy. Today, the Department of Materials Science & Engineering is home to approximately 200 undergraduate students, 80 graduate students, and 30 faculty and staff.As a discipline that enables all technologies, Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto is at the forefront of addressing global issues that have a direct impact on our lives today. Our cutting-edge research in advanced materials creates technological solutions for environmental challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and energy availability.As a world leader in materials applications and processing, our commitment to research and teaching excellence fosters innovative thinking, leading to the development of sustainable technologies that make a global impact.Stay in touch. Get engaged. Make an Impact.ContactExternal RelationsDepartment of Materials Science & EngineeringUniversity of TorontoWallberg Building, 184 College Street, Suite 140Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E4 CanadaT: 416.946.3211 | F: 416.978.4155Email: mse.external@utoronto.caWeb: www.mse.utoronto.ca | Twitter: @uoftmse