Ravichandra Df

Warehouse Manager at DelightFoods.com - , ,

Ravichandra Df's Contact Details
Ravichandra Df's Company Details
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, , • 1 - 10 Employees
Food & Beverages

Delight Foods (www.delightfoods.com) is a destination food store which carefully curates unique and authentic food products from each region of the country. These products are a mix of iconic local delicacies, superior quality everyday use foods as well as the finest staples. These are products which the consumer doesn't have access to in supermarkets. In our passionate search to offer food that is unique and full of flavour, we have a collection of only the he best products that pass our "best taste promise" standards. We are a complete food store and operate in over 16 categories like masalas, mixes, pickles, sweets, snacks, healthy options, bakery, staples, dried fruits, jams & speards & more. We deliver all products "fresh" within 3-5 working days.

Details about DelightFoods.com
Frequently Asked Questions about Ravichandra Df
Ravichandra Df currently works for DelightFoods.com.
Ravichandra Df's role at DelightFoods.com is Warehouse Manager.
Ravichandra Df's email address is ***@. To view Ravichandra Df's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ravichandra Df works in the Food & Beverages industry.
Ravichandra Df's colleagues at DelightFoods.com are Omkar Singh, kesavulu d, ravichandra. df, Lila Chung, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Nikhilesh R and others.
Ravichandra Df's phone number is
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