"When the Banker Flinched" is a book describing the last years of evolution of relationship dynamics of banks and fintech startups. Mostly it is the startups that are trying to woo the banks trying to convince them to go out for a date with them (do a POC, etc.). The objective of this book is to showcase the times we live in and challenges banks and startups face each other. Fintech journey has gone from the edge of startups yelling "we will disrupt the banks" to "we want to be banks". From being the attacker, many of them are racing to become banks themselves.Startup founders themselves are a mixed bag themselves. There are different kinds of startup owners, each with their unique ambitions and diverse backgrounds in Different horizons in which they want to achieve results. Over the past seven years, I met, worked, and collaborated with a lot of them, learned, and evolved ourselves along the way.