Redefining Insurance buyingIn the early 2000s we built software to optimize underwriting and rating platforms of Insurance companies. Our clients were Allstate, Statefarm, Titan, Nationwide to name a few. Impressed with our insurance IQ, Allstate offered the opportunity to start and manage an Insurance agency. We decided to take that up and built two successful agencies with over 3000 clients and later sold both the agencies. Buying auto and home insurance has radically changed. In fact with plethora of online comparison marketing sites, online lead generators and carrier websites the buying experience has become very cumbersome and confusing to the customer. Despite State insurance regulations the variations in coverage and presentation to the customer is very difficult to understand. In fact our survey indicates more that 65% purchased the wrong amount of insurance - either too much, wrong coverage or product with gaps in coverage. At insuranceisland we solve this problem and optimize the buying experience so that you have the right insurance product at the right price for your home and business. Our model will take some of your basic information and can give you a very quick answer - a) your insurance product is adequate and right price or b) you have inadequate coverage and we list the specifics or c) we can with pinpoint accuracy will be able to tell which carrier has the best product and price that meets your needs and we will help you to buy that policy. To learn more contact us