OMSC offers a certificate in mission studies to residents who participate in 100 or more combined hours of seminars, lectures, and forums during the program year. A letter of verification may be given upon request for a resident's agency, church, or academic institution. Work done at OMSC may qualify for credit toward a degree at other institutions that grant their approval according to their own standards. OMSC has affiliate status in the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada and is a member of the Society for the Advancement of Continuing Education for Ministry. CEUs are available to those participating in the Study Program. Because the number of guest rooms available at OMSC is limited, please register and reserve a guest room early. A nearby hotel offers OMSC guests a discount. While applications for study and residency for the full academic year are given priority, applications from persons wishing to study for shorter periods are welcome. Those registering for individual seminars should be aware (1) that OMSC cannot provide visa assistance to persons registering for individual seminars and (2) that the registration fees for individual seminars are non-refundable.