MISSIONOhio Wetlands Association is dedicated to the protection, restoration, and enjoyment of Ohio's wetlands and associated ecosystems through science‐based programs, education, and advocacy.VISIONOWA envisions the state of Ohio where wetlands are healthy, plentiful, and support ecological and societal needs and where citizens care for, appreciate, and interact with these natural treasures. VALUESOWA is a non‐partisan science‐based nonprofit organization advocating for wetlands. OWA adheres to the following values to guide their work:- Achieving solutions through thoughtful collaborations with partners in government, business and other non-profits.- Inspiring others to enjoy, appreciate, and respect wetlands throughout Ohio.- Engaging communities to actively participate in activities that protect and preserve Ohio's wetlands. - Committing to doing high quality work, instilling trust, and ensuring accountability through measurable goals and work products.