If you want business success, step up to EIPCI. You'll get best practices based in decades of experience, delivered by leading industry professionals, all at best value pricing. What We Do.EIPCI is two consultancies under one company structure. We provide technical, professional and management consulting in the areas of: Vineyard, Winery and Agritourism ManagementVineyard Planning, Establishment and Management Winery Business Strategy, Formulation and Management Winemaking Consultation and Assistance Investor Relations and Start-up Funding Vineyard & Winery Branding, Marketing and Communications Hospitality, Food and Beverage Performance Metrics, Standards, Analytics and Contracts EIPCI provides parallel business formulation, technical, professional and management services to the mid-Atlantic vineyard, winery and agritourism industry. And, EIPCI also provides:Management Consulting for Real Property and Spatial Information SystemsMarket Intelligence and Competitive Positioning Business Strategy, Formulation and Management Capture Planning, Proposal Preparation and Business Development Support Branding, Marketing and Communications Strategies Military Installation Master Planning Real Property Asset Management Methods and Solutions Spatial Data and GIS Investment Strategies and Solutions This work is almost exclusively with large government, corporate organizations and the companies that serve them. These two components of our professional services are complimentary. They cross-pollinate each other with best practices, innovation and thought leadership.