Associate Minister at Three Crosses of Calvary MBC - Chicago, Illinois, United States
Three Crosses of Calvary is a bible based worship center that is actively engaged in the mission of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in preaching and teaching the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven. Three Crosses of Calvary is engaged in the following activities in the church/community: • The establishment of an after school tutoring program three days a week, providing a safe learning environment for children and teens. • A Men's Ministry devoted to counseling and mentoring young males in the church/community, utilizing the principles presented in Reverend Tony Evans' book entitled "Kingdom Men". • A Women's Ministry to address the needs of the women in the church/community, engaging in counseling, workshops, etc., that examine moral and ethical issues as well as the various rolls women play in the church and society. • Establishing a relationship with CAPS, Neighborhood Watch programs and other public service agencies to curtail illegal and inappropriate activities. • Supporting youth organizations (Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, etc.) and sports teams to keep young people engaged in wholesome, character building activities, thereby reducing the desire to join gangs or engage in behavior that escalate crime and tarnish the reputation of the community. • Providing transportation for seniors, disabled persons and others to attend church/community functions to prevent exposure to criminal activity while standing at bus stops or even traveling on public transportation. • Providing emergency aid to families so that no one in the family will be tempted to engage in criminal activity just to survive. Working with other agencies or faith based organizations to provide employment opportunities for church members as well as the community at large. • Engaging in on-going evangelism in the community to foster a principled, moral environment and a religious presence that instills hope.