Manufacturers and exporter of Rotary coolers for the aluminium industry, molybdenum industry and high production cooling of bulk heated products.Exported two Rotary coolers for a major Molybdenum producing company in China helping them increase their profits by 51%Exported one more Rotary cooler for a Molybdenum producing company in South Korea.Exported an Aluminium dross cooler for a smelter plant on the USA west coast which saved the client $4 million the first year.Manufactured over 50 Aluminium dross cooler for over 50 companies in Canada, USA, Europe, Asia and AustraliaSpecialties:Manufacturer of Aluminium Dross Rotary Coolers, Molybdenum Oxide Production Rotary CoolersFertilizer Rotary Coolers, Sand Rotary CoolersCalcine coolerZinc cooler