Raymond Hansell

CEO at ToonUps - Wayne, PA, US

Raymond Hansell's Colleagues at ToonUps
Raymond Hansell's Contact Details
Greater Philadelphia Area
Raymond Hansell's Company Details
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Wayne, PA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

A Better World is a Social Enterprise whose mission is to make "Uplifting Games and Apps to Brighten the World."Our goal with everything we do is: Do-Good, Have Fun, and Change The World. We're committed to creating awesome stuff designed with the purpose of making a difference through optimism, altruism, and charity.Our flagship product is our A Better World game on Facebook, "Where All Good Deeds Are Rewarded and Real World Causes Are Supported!" 
 As of Summer 2014, over 2.5 million people have done
 over 22 million good deeds in A Better World. Check it out at Facebook.com/ABetterWorld.- The BetterWorldians Vision -The BetterWorldians Vision makes the world a better place by focusing on and encouraging the best in everyone. We have a positive, caring, and values-centric outlook to act as an antidote to the anger, bullying, cynicism, selfishness, and apathy so rampant today. Our approach is "planting flowers instead of pulling weeds." We believe that the solutions to today's problems are found by cultivating our better natures. We focus on positive thinking, positive values, and positive actions. In short, our vision is to Bring Out the BetterWorldian in Everybody so that we can all make it A Better World.- Formerly known as ToonUps -A Better World was formerly known as ToonUps. Since the turn of the century, ToonUps has created a rich array of products in the business, prosumer, and consumer marketplaces, all designed with the purpose of uplifting people through optimism, altruism, and fun. From social gaming to business training, our innovative content brings these core themes to new markets. ToonUps continues to be the holding company for our ToonUp Coach and ToonUp Presentations products.

Social Games Facebook Apps Digital Presentation Tools Animated Training Tools B2B B2C Software Prepackaged Software Computer Software
Details about ToonUps
Frequently Asked Questions about Raymond Hansell
Raymond Hansell currently works for ToonUps.
Raymond Hansell's role at ToonUps is CEO.
Raymond Hansell's email address is ***@toonups.com. To view Raymond Hansell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Raymond Hansell works in the Software industry.
Raymond Hansell's colleagues at ToonUps are Raul Schvartzman and others.
Raymond Hansell's phone number is 610-902-0600
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