Operation Ava has three primary goals:1) To provide foster, rescue and adoption services through our Save A Life Program. Operation Ava saves animals from shelters nationwide before they are euthanized and finds them forever loving homes. The animals in Operation Ava's Save A Life Program receive the care and medical treatment they need prior to adoption. 2) To help less fortunate families afford the necessary medical care for their sick pets. In partnership with veterinarian and community service groups, Operation Ava provides medical care or funding for medical procedures for families and their pets who can not afford them. By helping families and their pets with medical expenses, Operation Ava can stop needless suffering and improve the lives of pets in need.3) To engage kids of all ages in community service to help save lives. Through outreach and education programs with local schools and other community based groups, we teach kids how to make a difference. Engaging kids of all ages in community service will help save the lives of the animals who need us the most.Email info@operationava.org