NVL Laboratories, Inc. provides full service Industrial Hygiene services including testing and environmental safety services for our clients including-- but not limited to-- asbestos, lead, mold, Indoor Air Quality, silica, and other hazardous materials. We provide a complete solution and innovation to all your environmental and health & safety needs, in order to minimize your risks and overhead costs. Having NVL Laboratories as your project partner ensures success for your clients. We take pride in offering a broad range of experience and support to a diverse range of public and private clients. Our services are designed to meet the needs and standards of a diverse range of businesses, including environmental engineering firms, architects, general contractors, industrial hygienists, facility/property managers, re-modelers, government agencies, home-owners, and others who become involved with hazardous building materials found in commercial or residential buildings.The major sectors of our services include: Laboratory/ Analytical Project Management TrainingNVL Labs has operated nationally and internationally for over 15 years and is the premier testing laboratory in the Puget Sound region. We are an AIHA-IHLAP, AIHA-ELLAP, AIHA-EMLAP, NVLAP, WADOE for drinking water, & WADOE for RCRA Metals accredited laboratory, and an EPA certified Lead (Pb) Firm. Our system is designed for handling all your large and small projects.We provide the highest quality analytical results, specializing in asbestos fiber identification and a range of metals analysis using NIOSH, OSHA and EPA methods. NVL provides fast turn around times (as quickly as one hour), after-hours analysis, concise and easily accessible reports through our Lab Online service, and easy-to-use chains of custody and sample receiving processes.