The Anne Deveson Research Centre (ADRC), an initiative of SANE Australia, drives better social outcomes for Australians living with complex mental health issues, their family, friends and colleagues. The Centre brings together SANE Australia, researchers from a range of backgrounds and disciplines, and sector and industry partners to explore the challenges that people living with complex mental illness face. Importantly, the Centre actively engages people with lived experience of complex mental illness as both researchers and co-designers of new approaches. Our flagship initiative, Our Turn to Speak, aims to understand how stigma and discrimination affect people living with complex mental health issues. The Centre is named after SANE's co-founder Anne Deveson AO, a pioneer in mental health who, more than 30 years ago, opened up the national public conversation about mental illness in Australia. Sign up to the ADRC newsletter for updates about the Centre. For more information about the ADRC, contact us at