Rebecca Brelsford

Clinical Coordinator at Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba - N/A, , US

Rebecca Brelsford's Contact Details
Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba
Rebecca Brelsford's Company Details
Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba logo, Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba contact details

Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba

N/A, , US • 500 - 999 Employees

As the only accredited medical school on the island of Aruba, the goal of Xavier University School of Medicine is to accelerate the time and decrease the financial resources necessary to become a practicing U.S. physician -- all without sacrificing the quality of the education. Our program provides 24 months of world class medical education in Aruba, followed by 72 weeks of clinical rotations in affiliated hospitals throughout the United States. Xavier students have obtained ACGME-accredited residency appointments in just about every medical specialty and sub-specialty at world-renowned teaching hospitals and leading medical centers across the U.S. and Canada. Our alumni work in a variety of settings and fields around the world, and we are proud to call them Xavier graduates.

Education/Training Administration of Educational Programs Education Management
Details about Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba
Frequently Asked Questions about Rebecca Brelsford
Rebecca Brelsford currently works for Xavier University School of Medicine.
Rebecca Brelsford's role at Xavier University School of Medicine is Clinical Coordinator.
Rebecca Brelsford's email address is *** To view Rebecca Brelsford's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rebecca Brelsford works in the Education Management industry.
Rebecca Brelsford's colleagues at Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba are Daniel Moses, Oswald Ramos, Albert Otoo-Annan, Soleil Greaves, Arezou Rezaeian, Fatima ElMedkhar, Michael Gindi and others.
Rebecca Brelsford's phone number is 516-333-2224
See more information about Rebecca Brelsford