A sales. marketing, advertising consulting company with a successful record of reorganizing stagnant, poor performing and under achieving small businesses. Our typical client shows a gross revenue range of $5,000,000 per year with many falling in the $1,000,000 or less category prior to the start of our program. Sales gains of 30-100% with a comparable impact to bottom line are usual and expected. We achieve these results with your current employees retrained in house concentrating on CRM, SMR, sales training, marketing, advertising, management effectiveness and software implementation. Our unique approach allows us to redirect programs and money to more productive cutting edge solutions not usually available to smaller companies.Since our program is specifically designed for each individual business profile we have been able to help a wide cross section of business formats including retail, B2B, B2C, consultants and professionals.Our goal is to work within your existing budget guidelines increasing your company's value to allow for further growth and expansion or for possible sale/merger.