Rebecca Li

Sr.QA Analyst at TC Transcontinental - Montreal, Quebec, CA

Rebecca Li's Contact Details
(514) 954-4000
TC Transcontinental
Rebecca Li's Company Details
TC Transcontinental logo, TC Transcontinental contact details

TC Transcontinental

Montreal, Quebec, CA • 4644 Employees

TC Transcontinental is a leader in flexible packaging in North America, and Canada’s largest printer. The Corporation is the leading Canadian French-language educational publishing group. For over 40 years, TC Transcontinental's mission has been to create quality products and services that allow businesses to attract, reach and retain their target customers. Respect, teamwork, performance and innovation are the strong values held by the Corporation and its employees. TC Transcontinental's commitment to its stakeholders is to pursue its business activities in a responsible manner. Transcontinental Inc. (TSX: TCL.A TCL.B), known as TC Transcontinental, has more than 8,000 employees, the majority of which are based in Canada, the United States and Latin America. TC Transcontinental generated revenues of C$3.0 billion during the fiscal year ended October 30, 2022.

Flexible Packaging Printing Sustainable Packaging Custom Packaging Commercial Printing Direct Mail Marketing Solutions
Details about TC Transcontinental
Frequently Asked Questions about Rebecca Li
Rebecca Li currently works for TC Transcontinental.
Rebecca Li's role at TC Transcontinental is Sr.QA Analyst.
Rebecca Li's email address is *** To view Rebecca Li's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rebecca Li works in the Packaging/Containers industry.
Rebecca Li's colleagues at TC Transcontinental are Yvon 'L''Allier', Jocelyne Belair, Yvon Heroux, Lise Cloutier, Maurice Locas, Miriam Hadi, France Maheu and others.
Rebecca Li's phone number is (514) 954-4000
See more information about Rebecca Li