At for the people. you can expect a full body workout consisting of high-intensity intervals, resistance-focused cardio and arm segments all packaged in a 45 or 60 minute rhythm-based cycle class. You'll walk into a welcoming environment with a considerate approach to the unique needs of our community. You'll walk out with a little extra pep in your step to add to that post-sweat endorphin rush. We are proudly a black-owned, woman-owned and LGBTQ-owned and run business. We respect and celebrate the differences among us because we know it delivers a better, more inclusive product for our clients.At the end of the day, we are loyal. We work hard. We insist on quality. We aim to surprise and delight you during every visit. We understand human connection is at the heart of every interaction and we believe in the freedom to show up as entirely yourself.We hope to leave a resonant impact in the simple day to day touch points and a long-lasting imprint on our community through meaningful social contribution.And we simply won't settle for giving you anything less than everything we've got.We are for the people. Join us