The Casino Returned Servicemen's Memorial (RSM) Club is the leading community organisation in the Richmond Valley. Located in the heart of Casino the Club offers amazing facilities for functions, dining and entertainment and is dedicated to the cultural, sporting and social development of the people of Casino and the Richmond Valley.The Club is unique as we are a not for profit organisation we are not in the business of financially rewarding our owners/shareholders but rather using the business to generate funds to achieve our social aims and objectives. This can be summarised in our mission statement and objectives:Mission Statement:The Casino RSM Club aims to be the leading community, social and sporting organisation in the Richmond Valley. The Club is dedicated to preserving the memory of our service men and women and committed to the cultural, sporting and social development of the Richmond Valley and its people.Objectives:Provide facilities and services for the Casino RSL Sub Branch and like minded organisations of the Richmond Valley.Provide and maintain sporting facilities.Provide support and funding to sporting, cultural and social organisations based in the Richmond Valley Area.Maintain and grow operational and cash surpluses to provide continued improvements and growth of the Club facilities and the people and community groups it supports.Provide training and development opportunities for our Board, Management and Staff so as they are able to better serve the needs of the Club, its members and the community.Undertake actives to reduce our impact on the environment by investing in new technology and equipment and minimising resource consumption.Engage with the people of the Richmond Valley and undertake activities which benefit the social fabric of the area.