Owner at Citizens Protecting Abused Children Inc. - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
a non-profit organization tired of children being abused and, in some cases, killed.We want to be a voice for the children who too often go unnoticed and unheard.When these situations occur, we want the abuser and anyone with knowledge of the abuse to be held accountable along with the Case Workers, Child Welfare Officials and any agency responsible for protecting these children.Our goal is to help abused children and to provide a support system for foster and adoptive families.Our long term goal is to be able to provide a place where foster/adopted children and their families can come together and share their experiences freely without embarrassment or fear, and see that they are not alone.In the United States as well as other Countries Thousands of children are being taken from loving parents due to a child's Illness ,poverty, and false information. These family's suffer longing for there children while DCF.Attorneys. GAL'S ,Case workersamong others line there pockets with money. many of the children will end up RAPED, BEATEN, or DEAD... OR AGING OUT OF THE SYSTEM. IT NEEDS TO STOP !!!