Reem Elserwy

Sr.Trade Marketing Executive at Misr Cosmetics - Amanda - , ,

Reem Elserwy's Contact Details
Cairo,Cairo Governorate,Egypt
Misr Cosmetics - Amanda
Reem Elserwy's Company Details
Misr Cosmetics - Amanda logo, Misr Cosmetics - Amanda contact details

Misr Cosmetics - Amanda

, , • 201 - 500 Employees

Think of the make-up lines leading the Egyptian market. Imagine that behind them lays the talent of innovation from an authentic Egyptian brand.AMANDA was launched by the ever experts MISR COSMETICS on February 24th, 1984. Ever since that date, AMANDA has been securing a leading position among other local brands in the Egyptian market. AMANDA was ranked as number 1 local makeup brand in Egypt, according to Euromonitor International.Due to the fact that most of AMANDA products are imported from the largest make up suppliers in Milan, and some are imported from France, Germany, and Belgium, AMANDA was deserving upgraded to be AMANDA MILANO.AMANDA Milano is the classy leading local brand in the local Egyptian cosmetics market due to its wide portfolio of refined products that makes it able to compete with the imported products yet with local moderate prices.AMANDA Milano strength lies in the superior quality of formulas used in products, its very chic and trendy packaging, its wide range of products with finely selected colors, and off course its affordable prices.

Details about Misr Cosmetics - Amanda
Frequently Asked Questions about Reem Elserwy
Reem Elserwy currently works for Misr Cosmetics - Amanda.
Reem Elserwy's role at Misr Cosmetics - Amanda is Sr.Trade Marketing Executive.
Reem Elserwy's email address is *** To view Reem Elserwy's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Reem Elserwy works in the Cosmetics industry.
Reem Elserwy's colleagues at Misr Cosmetics - Amanda are Mohamed Fadl, Amanda Stiles, Nada Diab, Abdullah Adel, Abdallah Aboelhassan, Adel Badawy and others.
Reem Elserwy's phone number is ["37167034999","20233446695","20233046405","2033680106"]
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