Human Resources Coordinator at IEEE HTI Student Branch - 10th of Ramadan City, Ash Sharqia Governorate, Egypt
In 1999 IEEE HTI Student Branch was the first founded student branch in the Egypt Section which is part of Region 8. IEEE HTI Student Branch was considered one of the best branches worldwide, and surely the best in Egypt, the branch made several academic sessions and also the founder of the first MicroMouse competition in Egypt.The branch aims to be a premier technical community, committed to the cause of spreading knowledge and fostering all-round development of the student community. With the continued emphasis on the conduction of high-quality events reflecting the latest in technology, the branch aims to create a pool of dedicated industry-oriented professionals. Recent events include electronic design competitions, software development, Autonomous, and Mechanical Robotics, Programing, etc. The branch also has an active project to provide the student community with a hands-on experience of real-life challenges, thereby promoting the ready implementation of the course they undergo in their pursuit towards a sound professional life, the branch also organize events and competitions to help the students to fill the gap between the academic study and the labor market.