Vancouver Brain Injury Association's mission is to fill a devastating void for Vancouver and North Shore brain injury survivors by providing programs that are currently unavailable and to connect brain injury survivors, their families, and caregivers to resources that are available.VBIA programs provide support, access to life-changing services and advocacy. We truly believe our programs are a meaningful way to improve the lives of those with brain injuries and prevent injury through education. Vancouver BIA programs include: 1) Brain Gain Fridays - recreation and rehabilitation program at North Shore Neighbourhood House.2) North Shore Brain Injury Support Group at Lions Gate Hospital.3) WorkSafeBC workers claims - Our advocates provide support for navigating the overwhelming and difficult WCB system.4) Mindfulness and Trauma-Informed Practices workshops and training programs.5) Train-the-Trainer programs for community outreach workers.6) Counselling and support for people with brain injuries.