ABOUT USPUMP APPS was created with objective to provide innovative and qualityproducts specific to our clients' needs. We aim to improve productivity andimprove life cycle costs on valued equipment. Our initial focus was in theSouth African mining and industrial sectors and we have sincebroadened our focus to include, amongst others, the petro-chemical,engineering and construction fields.PUMP APPS is based in Johannesburg and has been providing liquidtransfer solutions for commercial, industrial and municipal services, since2003. With experience spanning fifteen years, Pump Apps has grownquickly by supplying world class, competitively priced, pumps andaccessories through its global network of suppliers in the United States,Germany and Sweden.Pump Apps supplies a wide variety of pumps and pump accessories formany different applications. Products include horizontal and verticalmultistage pumps, slurry pumps, stainless steel pumps, sump pumps, sludgepumps, non-clog pumps, solids handling pumps, submersible dewateringpumps, hydraulic pumps, explosion proof pumps, utility pumps,double-diaphragm pumps, bore hole pumps, end-suction pumps anddosing pumps. We also specialize in tailor-made pump skids.HISTORYSince 2002, the founder and owner of Pump Apps, has been involved in theliquid transfer industry and pump related products and services. In additionto the 15 years of in-house experience, also draw on the expertise of beingtwo of the most trusted and respected consultants in the industry.As consultants between them, they have more than 50 years of experiencein the pump industry and together, they have been privileged to beinvolved in providing turnkey solutions to a number of high profile clients likeCoca Cola, SAB and Johannesburg Water.CONTACTJohannesburg office288 Dorncliff streetMondeor 2091Tel : 011 680 3937Cel : 078 280 2166Fax : 086 500 0165Email : info@pumpapps.co.za