CENTOsoftware.com enables the transition to digital manufacturing adding Industrial Internet of Things capabilities to your production facilities. We collect data from various sources into a cloud data storage. Apply advanced AI and ML algorithms to analyze your data. We will help you reduce human errors, suggest process improvements, save energy, water, and other resources, reduce your maintenance and repair bills.You can use the CENTO software for:• Power facilities control and operation• Electric power and energy resources metering system for billing and technical needs• Incident records and analysis• Power quality control• Assistance with monitoring relay protection and automation• Digital twin creation for power grids• Hourly forecasts for energy consumption• Assistance with monitoring power equipment operation• Specific calculations of energy consumptionWhat does the enterprise gain?• Reduced equipment downtime• Fewer emergency incidents• More efficient energy resources consumption, resulting in savings on energy supply for the technological process• Reduced product cost and increased ROI on the business-wide level• The enterprise's personnel no longer wasting time on routine processes and tasksCENTO is already active at more than 70 production sites in the mechanical engineering, metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, and glass industries.Get it simple, fast, and affordable with CENTO!