planer in social welfare body disabilities at Ministry of Social - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Great content is essential for Social Media marketing success because great content travels, engages, stimulates action and influences purchase. We should know....With over 10 years experience managing client consumer brand social media channels we truly have seen it all. As practitioners we've experienced, embraced and 'grown up' with the ever changing landscape that is social; everything from frequent and fast changing algorithms, embracing 'live' video in social, right the way through to Facebook Zero, we've seen it all. This experience enables us to not only pass on real insights and experiences to thrive in theses increasingly challenging social media platforms, but we have also learnt some totally awesome tips and tricks that only an industry insider would know.If you and your brand want to secure that competitive edge, sign up to one of our courses and learn skills from those that truly 'walk the walk' so you can REALLY start to reap the rewards on your social media channels.