Advanced Micro Peripherals Ltd. is an ISO9001 registered designer and supplier of high performance, rugged, low power PC/104 products and embedded solutions. Our headquarters are situated near the historic university city of Cambridge, the center of UK's hi-tech community. The company was established in 1993 by a group of specialists in advanced computer technology and has now amassed a wealth of technical expertise. The name Advanced Micro Peripherals has become synonymous with advanced top quality design/manufacture solutions in the embedded computer industry.We have customers throughout the Europe, America and the wider world and recent projects include low power wearable data logger, telecommunications line tester, in-flight entertainment systems, remote video surveillance systems, military ground vehicle video system.The ConceptToday we pride ourselves on the high level of technical competence we hold not only in our core market of embedded Video technologies but also in other aspects such as embedded and industrial PC's, image processing, communications and wearable computing. Our wide knowledge of embedded systems is at our customers disposal allowing us to offer guidance and support from initial product development stages all the way to full scale production and throughout the product lifetime.Advanced Micro Peripherals recognizes that before and after sales customer support is essential and actively promotes long term customer relationships. We are able to provide a fast and cost-effective software and hardware customization service to meet our customers' specific requirements.