Remo Kistner

Chief Operating Officer at KEES - Naperville, IL, US

Remo Kistner's Contact Details
Naperville,Illinois,United States
Remo Kistner's Company Details
KEES logo, KEES contact details


Naperville, IL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

KEES is a nonprofit executive search and consulting firm that builds transformative teams and leaders. Founded in 2013 as an expansion of Alford Executive Search, KEES partners specifically with nonprofit organizations and public entities to provide an array of executive search, leadership development, interim staffing and human resources support.Alford Group Executive Search (later renamed Alford Executive Search) was started in 2000 by The Alford Group, one of the largest and most respected firms working with nonprofit organizations nationwide. KEES is a woman-owned and operated firm that partners with clients across the country.KEES co-founders Heather Eddy and Remo Kistner shared a vision to expand services beyond Executive Search, thereby supporting nonprofits even more effectively in various capacities. The firm is continually looking at ways to help client partners streamline organization, create efficiencies and ensure strong leadership teams are moving missions forward. Ms. Eddy was a key leader at The Alford Group and Alford Group Executive Search from 1996-2013.KEES provides a wide variety of services, including Executive Search, Specialty and Interim Staffing, HR Consulting, Leadership Development, and more.Nonprofits provide critical services that strengthen society. To do so, they require strong leadership teams and a solid infrastructure.Our work helps ensure that missions are fulfilled, visions are achieved, and our clients are able to do what they do best…go out and change the world.

Executive Search Staff and Organizational Structure Assessment Search Assistance Coaching HR and Career Services Interim Staffing/Outsourcing Planned Giving fundraising Human Resources Nonprofits Nonprofit Consulting HR Consulting Leadership Development Succession Planning Specialty Staffing Staffing Assessments Comp Assessments Board Training
Details about KEES
Frequently Asked Questions about Remo Kistner
Remo Kistner currently works for KEES/Alford Executive Search.
Remo Kistner's role at KEES/Alford Executive Search is Chief Operating Officer.
Remo Kistner's email address is *** To view Remo Kistner's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Remo Kistner works in the Staffing & Recruiting industry.
Remo Kistner's colleagues at KEES are Christine Eddy, Justin MBA, Randi Blasutti, Abby Johnson, Kiera Kistner, Julissa Campagna and others.
Remo Kistner's phone number is 888-687-3186
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