Director of Product Management at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. - Seattle, WA, US
Established in 1918, The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit social enterprise. We empower people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities by creating diverse, sustainable, and meaningful employment opportunities. We are a successful manufacturer of quality products for the Federal Government and assorted aerospace customers, that is committed to making jobs accessible to individuals who are blind, DeafBlind, or blind with other disabilitiesThe Lighthouse currently employs over 470 individuals, more than 260 of whom are blind, DeafBlind, or blind with other disabilities, providing a wide range of programs and services for visually impaired employees and DeafBlind people in the larger community. These include vocational computer training programs for adults who are blind and one-on-one computer classes for people who are DeafBlind. In addition, we offer courses in braille, run our acclaimed DeafBlind Retreat, offer DeafBlind Community Classes, in addition to educating elementary school students about blindness.