Analista Financeiro de crédito e cobrança at CSM - Máquinas e Equipamentos para Construção Civil e Movimentação de Materiais - Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Founded in 1979, CSM stands out in the manufacturing of machinery and equipment for civil construction, material handling and power generation plants in general. The company continuously invests in processes, development of new products and qualification of its staff so as to keep among the world-class quality companies.Specialized in Concrete Manufacturing Machinery, Precast Concrete Molds, Construction Systems and Structures for Power Plants, Concrete Plants, Machinery to Manufacture Tubes, Blocks and Pavers, Soil Compaction, Electric Hoists, Overhead and Gantry Cranes, the company has three business units in the north of Santa Catarina State, two in the city of Jaraguá do Sul and one in Schroeder.Supplying equipment, systems and machines for major works, such as the construction of soccer stadiums, the Yellow Line of São Paulo Subway, Line 4 South of Rio de Janeiro Subway, the bridge over the Negro river, revitalization works of Porto Maravilha in Rio de Janeiro, concrete molding machines for the bases and towers of wind power generation farms from north to south of the country, among others, CSM has been actively contributing to the economic and social growth of the country, generating jobs and wealth, developing and qualifying professionals, and thus contributing positively to the general well-being of the population.Focused on the solid and sustainable growth of its business, CSM is sensitive to environmental issues and works with full dedication in order to build an increasingly prosperous future. CSM undertakes commercial and social commitments, believes in Brazil, in its people and in the full development of its economic and human potentialities.