HarleyTherapy.com is the smarter way to book therapy online. Whenever someone is ready, we're here to help them book therapy with quality, qualified counsellors and psychotherapists easily, quickly and with minimal hassle, wherever they are.We're on a mission to eliminate prolonged emotional suffering worldwide. With over a million readers of our wellbeing blog every year, we're well on our way. We believe that therapy can help anyone to transform their lives, no matter who they are or how big a problem may seem. And as we're growing quickly, we are looking for more talented therapists to join us.We promote registered UK therapists who are skilled, experienced, compassionate, and dedicated to both their personal and professional development. While the therapists on our platform might be diverse in their therapeutic approaches, they are united in their exceptional commitment to clients. Now the UK's leading booking platform for counselling and psychotherapy, HarleyTherapy.com is the brainchild of Dr Sheri Jacobson, founder of Harley Therapy, London's largest and most successful group of psychotherapy clinics. As the first technology platform to match clients and therapists algorithmically and use data to drive improved service delivery in the industry, we are revolutionising the mental health space.