Dal Prete is a family from Valpolicella, in Italy, specialized in machinery for the processing of stone since 1964.Over the last few years, Dal Prete focused on the development of high-tech systems for the clarification of waste water and sludge dehydration.Today Dal Prete provides unique solutions for the water management: automatic and compact water treatment plants that, thanks to their high simplicity and efficiency, are recognized and appreciated as a distinctive product on the market.Present during the whole process, from project, to delivery and throughout the time, Dal Prete has the know-how to develop customised solutions for specific requests, in order to meet the needs of each workshop, maximizing their efficiency and complying with environmental regulations.Listening. Understanding. Advising.Those are the three keywords that allows Dal Prete to become a reliable partner for strategic water solutions, able to deliver the Italian excellence all around the world.