We are confident that the organization and layout of our site will enhance the ability of all to access important information. Connections are provided to the district's Twitter and Facebook feeds to provide the most up-to-date information about district programs, events, and the wonderful things that happen in our schools each and every day. The Montville Township Public Schools and the Montville Township Board of Health are currently utilizing the N.J. Department of Health guidelines titled COVID-19 Public Health Recommendations for Local Health Departments for K-12 Schools dated December 22, 2020. Please refer to the N.J. Department of Health document referenced below including the COVID-19 Exclusion Table on page 13. N.J. is currently under the high-risk column. If a person is symptomatic or asymptomatic and has a COVID-19 test, he/she is advised to remain home until the test results are received. If a person receives COVID-19 test results and is confirmed positive (whether or not he/she is symptomatic or asymptomatic), the person is advised to remain home on isolation. The person needs to call the local health department in order to identify and exclude close contacts for the 14 days from last exposure. If a person has COVID-19 symptoms but has not tested, the person is advised to remain home isolated. The person needs to call the local health department in order to identify and exclude close contacts for the 14 days from last exposure or the person tests negative for COVID-19. If an individual has symptoms of COVID-19 as outlined below, a COVID-19 test should be taken and the result of the test should be emailed to the school nurse for quarantine direction. If a person has symptoms and the results are negative for COVID-19, the person is advised to remain home for 24 hours after his/her fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medications and other symptoms have improve. Of interest for those who have tested positive for COVID-19, please read the American Academy of Pediatrics notice as of ...