Trainer for persons with intellectual disability at EnAble India - Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
EnAble India (EI) a non-profit organization, working on the ground for the last 2 decades and impacting thousands of Persons with disability.Our vision is a world where persons with disability are tax payers, active citizens and nation builders. We believe that the nation and the world will benefit from seeing persons with disability as change agents and serve as a constant reminder for the need for inclusion of everybody. Where people reach their full potential by finding solutions and learn to value each other through constant inclusion. The perception of Persons with disability as dependent and non-contributing members of society will transform.To attain this vision, EI is on a mission to build a sustainable Livelihood Ecosystem for millions of PwDs to attain a dignified life while having a positive impact on the economy and society. This will lead to a paradigm shift where PwDs are tax payers (via various forms of livelihoods), active citizens and nation builders, will lead to shift in consciousness for society.Active citizenship means people getting involved in their communities and democracy at all levels from local to national and global. Often PwD are precluded from taking on active citizenship roles due to economic, social and political disempowerment. We aim to build 21st century skills in persons with disability enabling dignified livelihoods leading to economic, social and political empowerment. Thus agency gained by PwD leads to Active Citizenship. Enable India has catered to the needs of 14 disabilities thus far. These disabilities include Vision Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Locomotor Disability, Neuro Diversity, Severe and Multiple Disabilities.We have impacted 220,000+ individuals including persons with disabilities and their families in 28 states in India. In the past 20 years Enable India has collaborated with 725 companies and 229 partner organizations across 1050 locations in 27 countries. We have opened up 291 job roles across 22 sectors