Reza Azadbakhsh

President (Chairperson) at Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures) - Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran

Reza Azadbakhsh's Contact Details
Tehran,Tehran Province,Iran
Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures)
Reza Azadbakhsh's Company Details
Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures) logo, Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures) contact details

Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures)

Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran • 5 Employees
Management Consulting

Caspian Development Management Group (Caspian Team) is an established consulting and research firm that provides management system implementation, technology management, auditing and mentoring / coaching services for professionals since 2003.Making strong decisions about the direction of your business requires an intimate understanding of your job and analyzing performance of activities including systematical, technical, operational and etc. Caspian Team provides business management services that give you the information you need to manage strategies, operations and processes, and plan the steps you should take to meet your objectives. We pay great attention to the quality of our professional and training services. You can find detailed information about our services online or contact our customer service team for help.

Details about Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures)
Frequently Asked Questions about Reza Azadbakhsh
Reza Azadbakhsh currently works for Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures).
Reza Azadbakhsh's role at Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures) is President (Chairperson).
Reza Azadbakhsh's email address is *** To view Reza Azadbakhsh's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Reza Azadbakhsh works in the Management Consulting industry.
Reza Azadbakhsh's colleagues at Caspian Team (Development Management and Exploring Futures) are Assylan Kadirzhanov, Elham Aramipour, Reyhane Naghdi, Atena Bagheri and others.
Reza Azadbakhsh's phone number is
See more information about Reza Azadbakhsh