With over half a century of supplying its high- quality products to the consumer market and development of its production and industrial units, Moghaddam Factories Company has managed to get the lion's share of country's tweedy fabric market. Presently, all spinning, weaving and finishing stages of fabric are carried out at this company with world most modern and advanced equipment and machinery. Moreover producing various tweedy fabrics, the company also produces various textile products such as suit, traveler's blanket, and also offering different types of activities in the aforementioned fields to other esteemed companies.The company's mission is as follows: Gaining Customers' Satisfaction and Offering High- Quality Products to the Consumer MarketIt should be noted that all products of the company meet requirements of international standards and the company offers its products to domestic and foreign markets.Attaining growth, improving work environment and boosting efficiency of manpower coupled with paying due attention to both human and national values have been put a top agenda of the company.