For more than 30 years, Thermo-Calc Software has been at the forefront of developing software and databases used to predict and understand materials properties. We offer the Thermo-Calc software and add-on Diffusion Module (DICTRA) and Precipitation Module (TC-PRISMA), as well as thermodynamic, mobility, and custom databases. We also provide training and support that can be tailored to fit an organization. Thermo-Calc is a powerful software package used to perform thermodynamic and phase diagram calculations for multi-component systems of practical importance. Calculations are based on thermodynamic databases produced by expert evaluation of experimental data using the CALPHAD method. Databases are available for Steels, Ti-, Al-, Mg-, Ni-alloys, multi-component oxides and many other materials. The Diffusion module (DICTRA) is a unique software tool used for detailed simulations of diffusion controlled phase transformations for multi-component alloys. Example applications include heat treatment, microsegregation during solidification, growth and dissolution of precipitates, coarsening and more. The Precipitation module (TC-PRISMA) is a computational tool for simulating multi-particle precipitation kinetics of diffusion-controlled processes in multicomponent and multi-phase alloy systems. With a large and growing international user base, Thermo-Calc Software looks forward to providing our customers with tools which will serve the scientific and engineering communities.