The current political and policy landscape is ripe for reform that will create an environment in which the cannabis industry can enhance future growth opportunities through an expanding footprint, customer base, and revenue potential at both the domestic and international level. The typical governmental approach to cannabis has long disadvantaged industry and consumers, but there is strong support in many governments, including within the current U.S. Administration and the new Congress, for reforming banking, tax, and other key laws and regulations that will enable cannabis industry growth. This shift reflects the desire for a strong global cannabis industry and to eliminate the patchwork of laws and regulations that inhibit industry growth and consumer access to safe, reliable products.To be successful in the near-term – and to ensure that any new cannabis policies are conducive to long-term industry growth and vitality – a united voice is delivering serious policy solutions to lawmakers and regulators who rely on industry expertise. The Global Alliance for Cannabis Commerce (GACC) is that voice.