What started in 2006 as a focussed South African pharmacoeconomic consultancy Health Econometrix, then HEXOR, is today VI Research: a full service, Health Economic and Outcomes Research (HEOR) company providing services globally from its head office in Dubai, UAE and South Africa.We specialise in late phase and HEOR studies by investigating the real-world VALUE of your healthcare solutions and innovations and its economic and financial impact.Scientific evidence by itself is insufficient to convince stakeholders of the VALUE of your product. It requires a subtle combination of science, art and communication to convert these abstract concepts into value stories that inspire and motivate. By combining science with art, you can communicate the value of your product in a language that appeals to each of your different stakeholders. We have termed this process as Dynamic Solutions to Dynamic Questions.Our client base includes big pharma companies, devices and diagnostics companies, complementary, alternative medicines (CAMS) companies, hospitals, NGO's health care funders and aid agencies. We also serve research institutions and big corporations in need of big data solutions.