Company 401(k) Advisor | Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA) Advisor at Lager & Company, Inc. - Minneapolis, MN, US
We help people understand and take control of their company 401(k) retirement plans. Our firm culture is based on good investment advice, education and care.Lager & Company, Inc., strongly believes that with the appropriate level of advice, people can and should call their own shots in their company 401(k) retirement plans. We specialize in assisting clients manage stock market risk within their company retirement plans. This is done using a highly disciplined approach to 401(k) plan investing that is logical, organized and disciplined. We employ two key principles - PRESERVE WEALTH and ACCUMULATE WEALTH. Our stock market risk management advice will be honest and straightforward in your best interest. We take the personal pressure off you by taking the responsibility to watch your retirement plan assets every day and to be accountable for the measurable results in preserving and growing the value of your retirement plan.Lager & Company, Inc. only transacts business in states where it is properly registered, or excluded or exempted from registration requirements. No client or prospective client should assume that any information presented and/or made on this page serves as the receipt of, or substitute for, personalized individual advice from the advisor. #401k #401kadvice #individual401kmanagement