Ricardo Hernandez

Jr. Design Manager at Assemble - Seattle, WA, US

Ricardo Hernandez's Contact Details
Mexico City,Mexico City,Mexico
Ricardo Hernandez's Company Details
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Seattle, WA, US • 50 - 99 Employees

At Assemble, our people are the source of our success. Guided by our core values, our team's expertise, our proven process, and our digital products we help our clients move fast and succeed. We're an engineering lead Software Development Consultancy in Seattle, WA. We use technology to help retailers grow, every day. Customers expect a seamless unified experience across all sales and marketing channels, devices, and screen sizes, 24/7. To stay competitive retailers need their tech to automatically act, respond, and represent the brand. At Assemble, we use our Everyday Retail Blueprint to connect and configure sales and marketing tools to provide a seamless experience at scale. Founded by Apple Alumni over a decade ago, our team of on-shore engineers has developed full-stack mobile and web apps, enterprise cloud integrations, and analytics for our customers ever since. Our team has SFDC certifications, 4+ years of FDA compliance work, and hold three patents around BLE and IoT.

iOS Development Mobile Strategy HTML5 Android Development Mobile publishing Cloud Services IoT Integrations Digital Transformations Inteligent App Development
Details about Assemble
Frequently Asked Questions about Ricardo Hernandez
Ricardo Hernandez currently works for Assemble Inc.
Ricardo Hernandez's role at Assemble Inc is Jr. Design Manager.
Ricardo Hernandez's email address is ***@assembleinc.com. To view Ricardo Hernandez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ricardo Hernandez works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Ricardo Hernandez's colleagues at Assemble are Joel Wilson, Travis Cox, Alex Borst, Ty Wilson, Jackie Casper, Kaji Sherpa, Blake Strickland and others.
Ricardo Hernandez's phone number is 415-483-5167
See more information about Ricardo Hernandez