Consultant, Facilitator and Trainer/ Education, Leadership, Creative Planning, Attachment
Lean & Six Sigma Training - including certification of Green Belts, Black Belts and Blue Belts. Advanced training in formal decision analysis and problem-solving diagnostics is available for Black Belts and Master Black Belts.Management Assessments - including U.S. Malcolm Baldrige Award and Florida Governor's Sterling Award Assessments.Strategic Planning - includes developing an annual Strategic Plan focusing organization efforts on a Few Critical Objectives.Customer Surveys - - designed to measure organization's performance at meeting Customer Valid Requirements.Process Design or Re-Design - utilizes Japanese "Best Path" flow-charting, Qualitative Analysis and Re-engineering techniques.Project Management - facilitates process improvement and problem solving teams.Management Report Development - that builds "Balanced ScoreCards", process performance summaries and other types of reports from existing organization's databases.Quality Delivery System Development - that builds "Balanced ScoreCards", process performance summaries and other types of reports from existing organization's databases.