Rich Milne

training and staff photographer at East-West Ministries - Addison, TX, US

Rich Milne's Contact Details
East-West Ministries
Rich Milne's Company Details
East-West Ministries logo, East-West Ministries contact details

East-West Ministries

Addison, TX, US • 250 - 499 Employees

East-West exists to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and healthy churches among unreached peoples and/or in restricted access communities.East-West strives to provide the world with its greatest need—the life-transforming message of the gospel.With this ultimate purpose in mind, we boldly go by venturing into the darkest areas of the world with the mission to impact lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Simply put, we go where others dare not go to see lives transformed forever.Throughout our decades of ministry, we have built a solid infrastructure of missionaries and national partners in some of the world's spiritually darkest areas. Each of these believers is equipped to share God's Word and train new disciples.Because of this, we are not only able to pursue our mission but also multiply our results, igniting a movement of rapidly reproducing churches led by nationals.Empowered by the Holy Spirit and faithful partners, we can create an unending chain of impact, changing the world by building God's Kingdom.

Missions Evangelism Training Church Planting Mission Trips Missionaries Equipping Internships Non-Profit Nonprofit Organization Management
Details about East-West Ministries
Frequently Asked Questions about Rich Milne
Rich Milne currently works for East-West.
Rich Milne's role at East-West is training and staff photographer.
Rich Milne's email address is *** To view Rich Milne's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rich Milne works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Rich Milne's colleagues at East-West Ministries are Jessica Willingham, Cyndi Crittenden, Alisa Hale, Jon Woodruff, Jennifer Leigh, Rusty Coffee, Andy Wicker and others.
Rich Milne's phone number is 214-265-8300
See more information about Rich Milne