We are independent auto, truck, heavy equipment and residential and commerical property adjusters and appraisers. We are also licensed Private investigators serving the smaller P&C carriers in the capacity of an SIU unit.WE ARE CLOSELY SUPERVIVED AND ALL REPORTS REGARDLESS OF DOLLAR AMOUNT ARE REVIEWED AND SIGNED OFF ON BY A SUPERVISOR OR PRINCIPAL OF THE FIRM. REPORTS THAT DO NOT MEET OUR STANDARDS ARE CORRECTED. WE CONDUCT 10-15% OF OUR OWN FIELD RE-INSPECTIONS WITH THE RESULTS FORWARDED TO THE RESPECTIVE CARRIERS IF ASKED FOR.WE ARE ALSO, TO OUR KNOWLEDGE, THE ONLY FIRM TO UTILIZE THE FORENSIC POLYGRAPH MACHINE AS A TOOL TO GUARANTEE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR PRODUCT. WE CAN EXCUSE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE BUT WE CANNOT AND DO NOT EXCUSE LACK OF INTEGRITY.Our Firm is in business for amost 50 years and was handed down from father to son.