Accounts & Membership officer at Independent Education Union of Australia WA Branch - Rivervale, WAU, AU
The IEUwa and IEUA (WA Branch) represents the interests of employees in Catholic and Independent Schools, English Language Colleges and Registered Training Organisations across Western Australia.Whether you're full time, part time or casual, join the IEU today and help strengthen your voice in the school sector.Objectives of the Independent Education Union of Western Australia, Union of Employees:* To protect and advance the professional and industrial interests of Members employed in non-Government schools and educational institutions throughout Western Australia.* To promote the highest professional standards amongst all staff in Western Australian non-Government schools and educational institutions.* To be a representative voice to speak on behalf of those employed in, or in connection with, non-Government schools and educational institutions in Western Australia, and to provide representation on and advice to appropriate bodies.* To promote the general welfare of Members and to regulate, protect and improve their conditions of employment.