BRAUER ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY(Brauer-ODC)Executive Recruiting - Leadership/Successor Development - LeadershipCoaching - Diversity TrainingThrough 35 plus years of Human Resource and Organizational Developmentexperience, we are profoundly acquainted with the distinctive challengessmall and mid-size manufacturers, and not for profit organizations, faceregarding the acquisition and development of a high-performance managementteam. More than ever, organizations require effective leadership at alllevels to successfully compete in today's global market. Small to mid-sizeorganizations simply cannot afford to operate with anything less than totalleadership vision. Each of the Brauer-ODC services are designed to serve asan extension of your Human Resource efforts, priced to fit comfortably intoyour annual budget, and provide the specialized tools to support yourcurrent and future leadership needs.Services. A results-driven culture based approach to executive talentacquisition. Dynamic leadership and successor development workshops, seminars,and keynotes. Insightful leadership coaching designed to support your currentexecutives and take your emerging leaders to the next level. Transformational diversity training workshops, seminars, andkeynotesPlease let us know if you would like additional information regarding ourservices and price structure. We look forward to assisting you in yourendeavor to acquire and develop a world-class management team.Richard (Buss) BrauerPresident/Founder