MR MAID(Pty) Ltd,is a cleaning company founded by MrSHUMANI RAMUHASHI, an experienced former business consultant as well as part of the cleaning management. The head office of the company is located in Pretoria where it was launched in 2016, the business providescleaning services, cleaning audits, and referrals to equipment providers tocommercial places, retail businesses, and, eventually special event venues and otherclients.In the current political climate, with increasing of many and different activities, and the current economic climate, which promises an upswing in general and in outsourced services especially, this business was launched at the right time. The business targets large retail stores and building management companies and the public infrastructures like government roads first in order to establish a strong base of clients in South Africa as a whole.Mr maid (Pty) Ltd has been growing its employee base of cleaning, recycling and maintenance carefully, based on client contracts,and use both full-time and part-time cleaners. The business received respectable sales from the first year (2016), almost doubling by the end of the third year. Gross margins will be similar to the industry average, based on cleaning labor costs vs. billings. After the initialinvestment and launch, a lean first year, and the establishment of an office and training space in the second year, the business has succeeded and managed to expand through its own financing.The business was proved replicable Nationwide.