Product Manager at Machine Tool Builders, Inc. - Machesney Park, Illinois, United States
Machine Tool Builders Inc. (MTB) is an Engineer-owned machine tool solutions provider. Simply put we bring your machine back to life and all its glory with technology transformations and modernizations, machine rebuilding, retrofits and service of machine tools. We take various older generations of equipment and turn them into modern day state of the art CNC machine tool technologies at a fraction the price and lead time of buying new. We also offer a world-class lineup of new gear cutting, grinding inspection technologies. MTB is recognized as an industry-leader in custom building, rebuilding, remanufacturing, re-controlling and servicing of mechanical & CNC equipment by manufacturers worldwide. By integrating the latest technology available for today's computer controlled production (CNC), MTB transforms old your machines into modern productive tools certain to improve your capabilities & capacity. MTB has designed, developed and built custom machinery for specialty applications, in confidential developments with worlds most prominent manufacturers and technology leaders. Customer list includes nearly every gear manufacturing company in the US and many abroad, from the worlds largest corporations to private job-shops MTB is trusted by the best to deliver the best. See for yourself, contact us today and let our experts evaluate you machinery needs. We get the job done right the first time, on time, on budget, no excuses just results