The Faber Institute is committed to "awakening souls" in an age when the existence of the soul, and of its particular capacities and formidable powers, is overlooked. We do this by putting people in touch with sources of depth and vision within themselves through which they gain a discerning capacity to recognize the highest good of persons, and its counterfeits.The works of the Institute are the "works of soul":- teaching spiritual and theological doctrine in accessible ways which inspire personal conversion- preaching the Gospel and opening the riches of the Scriptures- giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius through Retreats- giving spiritual direction to individuals- doing the priestly work of the Sacraments- giving counsel to the doubtful- creating bonds of trust and giving help to all Christian denominations- teaching people how to deliberate well and to make good decisions in Christ- and perhaps most of all, how to practice the art of friendship in the way that Christ Himself demonstrated in his earthly life as possible, and necessary, for us