MISSIONThe Baltimore Improv Group (BIG) advances the art and appreciation of comedy improv in the Baltimore region through enthusiastic participation and education. BIG enhances the quality of, expands participation in, and fosters the appreciation for improv throughout Baltimore.VISIONBIG envisions awareness of, participation in and passion for improv comedy spread throughout the Baltimore region. We similarly envision improv's infectious culture of support spread throughout the greater Baltimore area, inspiring community and creativity among all.VALUESKey values we work to promote include:YES AND - An approach to life that encourages us to build harmoniously on the ideas, values and preferences of others rather than placing our ideas, values and preferences above our colleagues or in competition with them.MAKE OTHERS LOOK LIKE GENIUSES - Improv teaches us to honor and celebrate others, even if objectively they make mistakes or reflect opportunities for personal improvement, as we all do. When we make choices that amplify the best in someone else's actions, we actively invest in a bigger, better, shared success.A GROUP IS GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS - Improvisers enhance each other's strengths through unconditional support, acceptance and enthusiasm. By embracing ideas without judgment, improv turns so-so ideas into good ideas, good ideas into great ideas and great ideas into earth-shattering masterpieces.INCLUSIVITY & RESPECT - In pursuit of its goals BIG seeks to share the joy of improv with everyone. In order to ensure that all parties feel welcome and able to fully participate in our offerings, BIG insists that all stakeholders uphold these standards: ProfessionalismMutual Respect & CivilityAcceptance and Celebration of our Diversity as a source of strength