Richard LaBarbera

Senior Developer - Technology Lead at Knowledge Accelerators - St. Petersburg, FL, US

Richard LaBarbera's Contact Details
Clearwater, Florida, United States
Knowledge Accelerators
Richard LaBarbera's Company Details
Knowledge Accelerators logo, Knowledge Accelerators contact details

Knowledge Accelerators

St. Petersburg, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Optimizing software knowledge in a succinct platform is crucial in an ever-changing world that is technologically evolving. Since 1997, we have been revolutionizing global software training through our media production company.Many users today admit they are too busy to use a learning management system (LMS) and desire quick learning tools. Our Continuous Learning Management System (CLMS) provides microlearning modules called Skill Tracks. We offer a comprehensive set of learning paths from novice to expert, for IT desktop and mobile applications. Our Continuous Learning Campaign (CLC) syncs our skill building, coaching, video reference library, and daily tips to invoke a ‘demand pull' by end users, in order to enhance employee output. There are 3 components that highlight our CLC: • Cloud-based • User-friendly • 20+ campaign elements Our Knowledge Library is synced with the latest software updates and our clients are equipped with 200,000+ how-to video solutions. Each how-to video comes with companion text and is available in 11 languages that are translated and voiced by native speakers. Additionally, we provide a ServiceNow plug-in that includes all of our Knowledge Library content for clients who use ServiceNow, but require software education.End users employing our software can see the process, hear the explanation, and perform the software task to maximize their learning in an efficient manner. Novice, intermediate, and expert users benefit from procuring software solutions right at their fingertips.

training and support software e-learning how-to tutorials iOS applications content creation Software Prepackaged Software Computer Software
Details about Knowledge Accelerators
Frequently Asked Questions about Richard LaBarbera
Richard LaBarbera currently works for Knowledge Accelerators.
Richard LaBarbera's role at Knowledge Accelerators is Senior Developer - Technology Lead.
Richard LaBarbera's email address is *** To view Richard LaBarbera's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Richard LaBarbera works in the Software industry.
Richard LaBarbera's colleagues at Knowledge Accelerators are Sarah Secunda, Karen Jean, Ann LaBar, Susan Jackson, Ellie Gardener, Max Mustermann, Britteny Lewis and others.
Richard LaBarbera's phone number is 813-374-9436
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